FLOT.AR ® is a Wellness and Relaxation Center in Bariloche. We are the only ones in Patagonia with a Flot-Tank and an Infrared Sauna. Technology designed for both mind and body wellness, which added to the human touch of the best masseuses, will take you to an incomparable state of relaxation.
What is "Flotation"?
Flotation therapy, also called R.E.S.T. (Reduced Environmental Stimulus Therapy), offers a safe, natural and scientifically researched alternative to improve many physical and mental conditions and discomforts.
Decades of research and dozens of scientific studies support its effectiveness, with benefits ranging from reducing anxiety and stress, relieving chronic pain, improving sleep, to stimulating creativity and self-knowledge. (You'll find links to scientific studies in the BENEFITS section.)
In our sophisticated flotation chamber (also called “flotation tank”), the user floats effortlessly in a solution of water and Epsom salts (pharmaceutical grade European magnesium salts), with a density greater than that of the Dead Sea. The temperature of the water and the air are the same as that of the skin, which makes the barriers between the body and the environment disappear, giving a sensation of total weightlessness. As the body does not have to make any kind of effort to support its own weight or maintain balance, and thanks to the well-known anti-inflammatory effects of magnesium, the muscles relax completely, the spine decompresses and back, neck and joint pain is relieved.
In our modern chamber, the user has complete control of the session. It has a lid with LED lights that simulate a starry sky, and other underwater lights and speakers. You can float with the lid open or closed, listening to relaxing music, with the color of your choice of the starry sky of the equipment and the LEDs in the room, or in silence and darkness.
Although there are many typical or common experiences, each client responds differently based on her own physical and emotional needs. For some the first time can be overwhelming, boring, or incredibly satisfying. Regardless of the variety of physical and emotional responses, it is always the case that the more you float, the better and deeper the experience becomes.
In our overstimulated society it is difficult to find quiet and relaxing moments that are essential for the body to recharge, heal and detoxify. In our 50-minute sessions inside the flotation tanks, you will be able to “reset” your routine, leaving you with an incomparable feeling of renewal, even for several days.
Comparative studies have shown that a floating session is equivalent to more than 4 hours of deep sleep.
Magnesium salts have proven anti-inflammatory properties, which added to the sensation of zero gravity, without points of support and tension, and without noise or lights, reduce blood pressure, headaches, muscle and joint pain. It also helps regulate electrolytes, and improve digestive function. It is a therapy used by many high-performance athletes to accelerate post-training muscle recovery, and to focus and visualize before competitions, significantly improving their performance.
Floating in our chambers reduces the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for releasing the stress hormone cortisol, which triggers the "fight/flight" response. The stress generated by the constant bombardment of stimuli of modern life and hyper-connectivity, makes our sympathetic nervous system to be always activated.
In the relaxing and calm environment of the flotation tank, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated allowing physical and mental relaxation, stimulation of metabolic processes and general recovery.
By removing all external stimuli during the float, your mind can fully focus on the "here and now."
High levels of concentration and creativity can be achieved in sessions, and information can be analyzed and processed like never before.
During floating, low-frequency brain waves are stimulated into a Theta state, which is associated with deep relaxation, visualization, and creativity. Even beginners can experience long periods of Theta wave activity during sessions. These waves are the ones that appear for a few minutes in the first phases of night sleep. This state is very important to process learning, stimulate memory and intuition. You can quickly reach states that experienced meditators achieve after years of work. Everything you experience while floating comes from within you, which makes the experience always unique. You will leave the float with your senses enhanced and renewed energy!
The benefits of flotation do not end when you leave the tank, since with less pain and stress you will have a relaxed mood for several days and naturally achieve a better night's rest. Several scientific studies have shown the effectiveness of floating to improve states of insomnia and chronic stress.
Floating helps release endorphin, serotonin and dopamine, in turn reducing stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. It helps you regain energy and vitality and reduce depression. You will leave with an improved mood and with that state of mind you were looking for!
Several studies confirm floating as an effective complement to enhance work in psychology and self-development therapies. Full awareness to the "here and now" (Mindfulness) is enhanced in the sessions. It will also open up new possibilities for yoga practitioners.
- Beneficial effects of flotation tank, sensory restriction treatment, as a preventive health care intervention. Randomized controlled pilot trial:
Stress, depression, anxiety, and severe pain decreased significantly, while optimism and sleep quality increased significantly for the REST-flotation group. https://bmccomplementmedtherapies.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1472-6882-14-417 - Promising effects of floating-REST treatment as an intervention for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): a pilot randomized controlled trial https://bmccomplementmedtherapies.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12906-016-1089-x
- Relaxation and interoceptive awareness through floatation therapy in people with high sensitivity to anxiety: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2451902218300491
- Examination of the short-term anxiolytic and antidepressant effect of floatation therapy-REST https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5796691/
- Significant increases in cognitive performance and creativity have been found with floating; at the physical level, improvements in muscle control, range and tone; improvement in sleep quality, among other benefits.
Positive results have also been found in patients with whiplash and fibromyalgia. Reduction of chronic stress, pain, depression, smoking and alcoholism, burnout syndrome, and more. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325176720_What_is_the_Lived_Experience_of_Floatation-REST - Sensory isolation in flotation tanks: altered states of consciousness and effects on well-being https://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol13/iss4/6/
Effects of flotation on recovery after intense exercise (Maximal Eccentric Exercise) https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Fulltext/2013/12000/The_Acute_Effects_of_Flotation_Restricted.30.aspx
- Enhancing scientific creativity through flotation therapy. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0272494487800312
- Summary of benefits with multiple bibliographic citations: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876382014000845#bib0090
- Flotation Therapy for Muscle Contraction Headaches: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4613-9701-4_15
- Flotation in the treatment of persistent psychophysiological insomnia:https://open.library.ubc.ca/soa/cIRcle/collections/ubctheses/831/items/1.0098140
- Study on the effectiveness of floating in reducing stress and pain: Sleep was improved, patients felt more optimistic and the content of the vitalizing hormone "prolactin" increased. Anxiety, stress, depression and pain perception decreased. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/11/071105120604.htm
- Relaxation response with the help of flotation in patients with stress-related ailments: https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2006-07100-002
- Effects of flotation on sports performance: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.2466/pms.1990.71.3.1023
- The Science of REST Flotation Therapy: https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/floating-away-the-science-of-sensory-deprivation-therapy#.VzDjwPkrK00
- Is floating the new meditation?https://www.yogajournal.com/meditation/floating-the-new-meditation/
- Epsom salts: uses and benefits https://www.epsomsaltcouncil.org/
- TN (TodoNoticias) Argentina: https://tn.com.ar/salud/bienestar/2016/06/14/terapia-de-flotacion-para-relajar-la-cabeza-y-el-cuerpo/?fbclid=IwAR2S-kQfQG30iaUOJEuEWQ-_GYvCEGd38vYlrvo0G_em5rpoJA2AGtgOBCM
After an introductory talk, you'll enter a private room to float. Before getting in the float chamber, you must take a shower to remove any soap, conditioner, perfume, or makeup. Then you go directly into the float tank for 50 minutes of flotation. Before leaving the room you'll take another quick shower to remove the Epsom salts from your body (your skin will feel very soft!) and we have another place for you to dry your hair, and finish getting ready.
Our flotation room is private, containing the flotation tank, a shower stall, and space to undress. You are in control of the session, and if you don't want to jump into the full experience, you can enjoy floating by keeping the lid open, with lights and/or playing music or a guided meditation.
Although flotation is a very safe and low-risk therapy, our float-tank also have a call button in case assistance from our staff is needed.
We suggest that you do not immediately return to your routine, work or driving, as you will leave the session extremely relaxed and will need several minutes to come back down to earth. You can re-adapt to gravity in our reception having tea, reading a book or just enjoying our great view of Lake Nahuel Huapi.
We ask that you bring a bathing suit (not mandatory), and if you have long hair it is preferable to have it tied up. If you wear contact lenses we recommend removing them, so you must bring your case. We provide you with a towel, a hand towel, ear plugs, and we have soap, shampoo and conditioner in the showers.
Falling asleep in the tank is very safe, you just have to avoid getting the water in your eyes as it can itch, and the taste in mouth isn't great. You can also choose to use a floating pillow so your head doesn't turn.
Given the high density of the water, it is very difficult to turn over, so the risk of drowning is zero if used responsibly. And in the several decades since this therapy has existed, no serious incident has been documented.
There are 350 kg of magnesium salts in the tank, and this high concentration of salts makes it almost impossible for any type of microorganism to survive. In addition, the tanks have a sophisticated filtration system through which the entire solution passes between 3 and 5 times between sessions, guaranteeing that the water is crystal clear for each use. At the same time, two long chemical sterilization processes carried out every night, where any particle or organic matter that may have remained is removed. This rigorous sanitation protocol is the same as that required for fleets in Europe and the US.
For all this, the flotation in our tanks is infinitely more sterile and hygienic than any whirlpool or swimming pool. And.... we are particularly rigurous with the cleaning and disinfection of the place between each session.
You don't need to know how to swim or have any previous experience. What we do suggest is that in your first session you moderate your expectations since not everyone achieves the greatest benefits the first time. The less your mind works, the better results you will get. Paying attention to your breath is an effective and simple tool to quickly clear your mind and enter deep relaxation.
Yes! Floating is an all-natural, side-effect-free way to relax, de-stress, and relieve pain and pressure on your body and mind. Most floaters report an increased sense of calm, increased well-being, and better sleep, all things that can sometimes be hard for moms-to-be to find.
Gravity becomes a ruthless force as the pregnancy progresses. Gradual and unavoidable weight gain can really take a toll on your spine, joints, and muscles. By the third trimester, even getting out of bed can be an effort. Floating helps reduce swelling, cramps, and joint pain. We already know that a flotation session is equivalent to more than 4 hours of deep sleep and a couple of hours of massages. Nothing more necessary for a pregnant woman!
And as with many essential nutrients and minerals the body needs, magnesium levels can drop during pregnancy, making it one of the most important minerals needed for optimal pregnancy. Medical studies have shown that supplying the body with additional magnesium during pregnancy can help prevent some problems in the development of the baby, and the absorption through the skin that occurs in floating can be very beneficial. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5590399/
Anyway you must have your doctor's approval before floating.
Nope! Not only does the skin not wrinkle, but it also comes out smoother thanks to the proven benefits of magnesium on skin, nails and hair.
Although most users define floating as a feeling of "floating in space" rather than a feeling of being confined, those who suffer from claustrophobia or who may feel some anxiety on their first session, can float with the lid open of our very spacious chambers, with LED lights that simulate a starry sky and/or underwater lights on, can also choose the color and intensity of light in the room. It is also not mandatory to complete the session if you want to finish early.
The float-tank is very spacious, from the floating position you cannot touch the dome even by stretching your arms upward.
Although floating once or sporadically is always productive and enjoyable, regular floating has been shown to help keep stress levels low and improve overall vitality and mood. The frequency determines the duration in time of the benefits, and with each session intensity of the experience improves. Once a week is ideal, although once a month is still a good frequency.

In traditional saunas the air is heated to temperatures between 80° and 100°, sometimes with dry heat and other times by dousing the heat source with water to generate steam. This heat from the air is slowly transmitted to the body by convection, where it penetrates only a few millimeters. And although these saunas have many health benefits, the extreme heat and density that the air reaches makes it very hostile to breathe, and is often difficult for many people to tolerate.
In the Infrared Sauna the heat of the air is around 50°, making it much more pleasant, tolerable and relaxing than traditional saunas. Here the heat is generated by various lamps that convert electricity into radiant heat. It is the same heat that we feel in a sun-warmed environment, and the wavelength that the body absorbs most efficiently. It is 100% safe and natural (UV rays from the sun are harmful, infrared rays are not). This heat penetrates deeper into the body, reaching muscles, organs and joints where the heat of traditional saunas does not reach, in turn generating more sweating and multiplying the regenerative and detoxifying benefits of the sauna.
Infrared rays generate a deep heating effect on muscle tissues and internal organs. Our body reacts to increased heat through the natural cooling process, sweating. With perspiration, metabolic waste, acids and toxins are eliminated from the cells, the pores of our skin open and discharge this waste, also eliminating old cells and leaving the skin bright and clean, with an improvement in tone, elasticity, texture and color.
As the body tries to cool itself through sweat, the heart rate increases. This increases blood circulation, provides more oxygen and creates new nutrients that stimulate cell regeneration and tissue repair.
It also increases the production of nitric oxide. This is a molecule that helps dilate the arteries and prevents blood from clotting, thus regulating blood pressure.
To counteract the heat, the body works to maintain its core temperature, speeds up metabolism and increases blood flow, something similar to the effort made with physical activity, which stimulates the burning of calories.
A single infrared sauna session is equivalent to doing 30 minutes of moderate exercise.
Far infrared penetrates deep into the body, warms tissues, increases blood supply and dilates vessels. The result is a reduction in muscle tension, contractures, joint stiffness, and general aches and pains from conditions such as fibromyalgia and arthritis.
It also speeds recovery from injuries and alleviates many musculoskeletal ailments.
The deep heat of infrared saunas induces sweating, which is a natural way of removing metabolic byproducts (toxins) and impurities from the skin. Helps blood flow, which provides nutrients to hydrate the skin, ligaments and other tissues, restoring elasticity and promoting cell rejuvenation.
Helps maintain muscle tone, especially if alternated with cold showers.
With the use of the infrared sauna, circulation is increased and more oxygen and nutrients reach the areas and organs of the body that need it for their recovery, detoxification occurs at the cellular level and the immune system is strengthened. With greater circulation and greater penetration of heat, also more toxins are carried from muscles and organs to the skin, to be later expelled with perspiration.
In an infrared sauna, heat is generated by long-wave infrared (IR) lamps that penetrate deep into the skin, warming the body, without needing to heat the surrounding air as much. IR rays are the same beneficial rays that are at the level immediately below visible light emanating from the sun, and with which the sun heats us. Not to be confused with “microwaves”, which are further away on the light/radiation spectrum as are UVA/UVB rays and other rays that are harmful to health. In fact, many kinesiologists and therapists use localized infrared emitters to improve various conditions and injuries. It is also used in pediatrics in incubators and radiant warmers for neonates.
Essentially, an infrared sauna transmits many of the benefits of the sun without the harmful UVA and UVB rays. This activity is absolutely safe and has no side effects. Nor does it “tan” like a “sunbed”, which emits just UVA/UVB radiation.
Beneficios del infrarrojo lejano:
Beneficios para la piel:
Más óxido nítrico:
Mayor producción de ATP celular
Mejor recuperación y rendimiento atlético:
Mejoría del sueño y mayor relajación:
Mejoría del ánimo y reducción de depresión:
Revista ELLE:
Diario Clarín:
Diario Infobae:
- Decontracting (50 minutes)
- Relaxing (50 minutes)
- Sports massage (40 minutes)
- Relexology (40 minutes)

Float session: $42000 50 minutes
Massage session: $29000
Infrared Sauna session: $19000 30 minutes
Reservations: Whatsapp +54 9 2944140883
If you have a “PROMO CODE” enter the data in the following form and text us by Whatsapp to make a reservation. (Not combinable with other discounts or promotions).

Libertad 299 4° “A”
Bariloche, Argentina
Private parking (w/charge by hour) at 50 mts on Libertad st.
+54 9 2944 140883
E-mail: info@flot.ar